PRIVACY POLICY is an Internet domain registered by ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. C.IF.: B-67608992, with administrative address at Calle de Provenza nº281 p3 Pta.5 – 08037 Barcelona – Spain.
The use by the user of the services contained in the WEBSITE of ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. implies the express acceptance of each and every one of the following:
General conditions of use of the WEB:


The user declares that he is of legal age (greater than 18 years) and has the necessary legal capacity to contract the Products and Services offered on the ECOFOAM NATURE S.L., also stating that you accept the link to this agreement and understand, and fully accepts the conditions set forth here to use this WEBSITE and / or receive information about the Products and Services offered.


ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. informs you that the purpose of the personal data whose treatment is carried out as the person responsible is to manage the contractual relationships of which you are a party, as well as offering interested persons and entities any information about products and services related to ECOFOAM NATURE S.L., especially those referring to:

  • Tray Distributor

The indicated communications may be made by any means, including electronic media. The interested party must authorize the sending of communications explicitly, by marking the corresponding boxes, in any of the data request forms that are provided.


That you have contracted or that you contract the different Products and Services offered by ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. you must register as a customer, for which purpose it declares that all the information provided at the time of registration is true, complete and accurate:

  1. 3.1. The user of guarantees and always responds to the veracity, accuracy, validity and authenticity of Personal Data, hereinafter the DATA, facilitated, and undertakes to keep them duly updated.

  1. 3.2. The user expressly authorizes the communication of the DATA to third parties when it is necessary for the adequate provision of the Products and Services offered by ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. and required by users.

  1. 3.3. The user gives his express consent to receive electronic communications with advertising and commercial news from ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. and the different Products and Services marketed or promoted by ECOFOAM NATURE S.L.


Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation on whether ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. we are treating personal data that concerns you or not. Interested parties have the right to access their personal data as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, in your case, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

In certain circumstances and for reasons related to your particular situation, the interested parties may object to the processing of their data. In this case, ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. will stop processing the data, except for legitimate reasons, imperious, or the exercise or defense of possible claims, and we will keep them duly blocked during the corresponding period as long as legal obligations persist.

In certain circumstances, clients or interested parties may request the limitation of the treatment, as ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. It will only reserve and use them in the cases authorized by Law.
Interested parties have the right to the portability of their data so that they can request and receive the data that concerns them and that they have provided or request that we send them to another data controller of their choice., in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format.

The interested party may exercise any of these rights by sending an email to the address, attaching a copy of the DNI or substitute identification document and clearly indicating the right to which it refers. You can also make the request by postal mail to the address indicated above.
The response to the requests that are made will be carried out as soon as possible and, in any case, within a month of receiving your request. This period may be extended for another two months if necessary., taking into account the complexity and number of requests. The person in charge will inform the interested party of the extension within the first month from the request.


In accordance with the current Organic Law 15/1999 Protection of Personal Data and subsequent regulations, Royal decree 1720/2007 and New European Regulation 2016/679 from 25 Mayo 2018, DATA sent by the user through, will be treated by ECOFOAM NATURE S.L.. in an automated way and will be incorporated into the Register of Treatment Activities in order to be able to offer and manage the Products and Services of ECOFOAM NATURE S.L.:

  1. 5.1. Said Registry of Treatment Activities whose Responsible is the commercial company ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. with administrative address at Calle de Provenza nº281 p3 Pta.5 – 08037 Barcelona – Spain, e-mail:

  1. 5.2. The owners of the DATA have the right to access the file at all times, being able to exercise the rights of rectification, cancellation, opposition and elimination in the terms included in the data protection legislation.

  1. 5.3. In the same way, the user's consent for the processing and transfer of their personal data will be revocable at any time without retroactive effects, according to the provisions of the articles 6 and 11 of the Organic Law 15/1999, from 13 December of Protection of Personal Data and subsequent regulations, Royal decree 1720/2007 and New European Regulation 2016/679 from 25 Mayo 2018.

  1. 5.4. For the purposes contained in this clause, it will be enough to contact ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. via email, O well, writing to its administrative address located at Calle de Provenza nº281 p3 Pta.5 – 08037 Barcelona – Spain – Spain.

  1. 5.5. ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. guarantees that it has adopted the necessary security measures in its facilities, systems, servers and files to prevent access to DATA from unauthorized persons.

  1. 5.6. Notwithstanding the foregoing, said DATA may be disclosed to public authorities only in the event that they so require it in accordance with the legal provisions and regulations applicable to the case..


  1. 6.1. The use of the page and / or the Products and Services of ECOFOAM NATURE S.L., will mean full acceptance and validity, of each and every one of the General Conditions contained in the latest version of the General Conditions, so the user must be aware of the importance of reading them each time they visit

  1. 6.2. ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. may unilaterally modify, at any time and without prior notice, These General Conditions as well as the Products and Services provided or any other substantial aspect or not of this page, or operating conditions, techniques and use of the services of

  1. 6.3. In the same way, the users, in order to improve the service and establish an optimal level of quality, ultimate goal of ECOFOAM NATURE S.L., they will be able to suggest those modifications that they deem useful, by contacting those responsible for the page through the email address

  1. 6.4. The user agrees to use the page and those Products and Services made available through it., in accordance with the law, good manners and public order, as well as the provisions of these General Conditions. In consecuense, You are obliged not to use the page or the Products and Services offered, for illegal purposes or effects and / or contrary to what is established in these General Conditions, or harmful to the rights and / or interests of third parties or that, anyway, could damage the page or prevent its normal use, or the Products and Services accessible through them, or by the rest of the users, o por ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. and / or that affect or could affect the image of ECOFOAM NATURE S.L.

  1. 6.5. Users of must observe any instructions that, through email, o, ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. or your staff, duly authorized, share.

  1. 6.6. The user accepts each and every one of the obligations or prohibitions imposed at any time by the legislation in force in relation to the exclusion or limitation of the professional's responsibility in the performance of the service.


They are not intended for minors and it does not request or collect information related to minors.


ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. reserves the right to exclude, temporarily or permanently to the user in any of the following cases:

  1. 8.1. For breach of any of the General Conditions of Use established in this document.

  1. 8.2. For breach of the laws, good customs, and public order.

  1. 8.3. For breach of any other obligation that the user may have with ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. The exclusion of the user will not imply the resignation of ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. to carry out the corresponding legal actions or compensation that by law correspond.


  1. 9.1. All the information contained in, your graphic design and code in HTML language, JAVA, JAVA Script o Active X, is protected by copyright or other intellectual property protection rights.

  1. 9.2. These rights belong exclusively to ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. your licensors. Internet users who access this WEBSITE can view the information contained therein and make private downloads or reproductions on their computer system, provided that the reproduced elements are not subsequently transferred to third parties or are installed on a server connected to the Internet or a local network. Not allowed, without prejudice to what is stated in these General Conditions, the distribution, modification, assignment, public communication, reproductions or any other act of part or all of the information published on, without prior authorization from ECOFOAM NATURE S.L.

  1. 9.3. The user, You must use the content and information collected on diligently, correct and lawful, and in particular, for personal and non-commercial use only, as long as the content or any mention of sources is not deleted or modified, copyright and other identifying data of rights of ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. or third parties, that is, respecting its original shape. Any reproduction or copy, distribution or publication, of any kind, of the content of the information published on without prior written authorization from ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. It's forbidden. Authorization for reproduction can be requested from the email address

  1. 9.4. In the event that any user or third party considers that any of the existing content on has been entered in it in violation of copyright or other rights to protect intellectual property, please communicate to ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. said circumstance, sending notification to the email address, and including at least, the following extremes: a) Name, address, Claimant's phone number and e-mail address. b) Data of the owner of the copyright or other rights of protection of intellectual property that may have been infringed. c) Indication of the infringed content and location on the page d) Declaration that the introduction of the contents has been introduced without the express authorization of the owner of the copyright or other intellectual property rights.

  1. 9.5. Without prejudice to what is stated in the preceding paragraphs, ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. reserves the right to defend itself against claims based on current regulations on advertising and copyright or other rights that protect intellectual property.


  1. 10.1. In the event that refers through links to advertising or to third-party WEB pages, ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. is not obliged to control and does not control in advance, neither approves nor endorses the services, contents, data, records, products and any kind of material or information on the web page or pages of third parties, so ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. will not respond, under no circumstance, of the legality of the contents of said page / s, being the sole responsibility of the third party, by way of example and not limitation, respect for legality, good customs, public order, the content, as well as that those do not infringe the rights of third parties. The existence of a hyperlink does not presuppose a relationship of any kind between ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. and the owner of the WEB page in which it is established.

  1. 10.2. Those users or third parties who intend to establish a hyperlink with the page, must guarantee that the hyperlink only allows access to the pages or services of the page, but does not perform, enunciative but not limiting, content reproduction, deep-links, browsers, inaccurate or incorrect statements, on the contents or the WEB page of Except for those signs that are part of the hyperlink, The user will guarantee that the WEB page on which the hyperlink is established will not contain trademarks, tradenames, establishment signs, denominations, logos, slogans or any type of distinctive sign belonging to ECOFOAM NATURE S.L.


  1. 11.1. ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. does not guarantee reliability, availability, o continuity of the operation of its website or of the Products and Services made available to the user, Therefore, it excludes any liability for damages and / or losses of any nature that may be due to lack of availability., reliability, or continuity of its WEB page or its services, although it will try to facilitate, the extent possible, technical assistance to the affected person.

  1. 11.2. ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. is not obliged to control and does not control in advance, the absence of viruses or elements in the contents, that may produce alterations in the software or hardware of the users or people who visit the WEB pages, Therefore, it will not be liable for damages of any kind that may arise from them..


If one of the stipulations of these General Conditions is declared null or inoperative, the rest of the General Conditions will remain in force.


ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. makes all the necessary efforts within its means to offer the information contained in the WEB site truthfully and without typographical errors. In the event that at some point an error of this type occurs, alien at all times to the will of ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. it would be immediately corrected. If there is a typographical error in any of the prices shown and a Client has made the decision to purchase the Products and Services based on said error ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. will notify the Client and he will have the right to terminate his services at no cost on his part.


User registration as a client of ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. implies the knowledge and express acceptance of these General Conditions. The contracting of a specific Product or Service offered by the service providers listed in ECOFOAM NATURE S.L. implies the explicit acceptance of the General Conditions.


These General Conditions are governed by Spanish Law and New European Regulations. Any controversy that may arise, regarding its validity, execution, compliance or resolution, total or partial, will be submitted by the parties, expressly waiving their own jurisdiction (or any other than, in your case, could correspond), to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona.

To not receive information about your products and services or from other entities, check the corresponding box on the form.

In those cases where to make a request it is necessary to fill out a form and make a “click” on the submit button, The realization of the same will necessarily imply that you have been informed and have expressly granted your consent to the content of the clause attached to said form.


In the event that DATA is included in a request by persons who do not own them, the user must, prior to inclusion, inform said persons of the extremes contained in the preceding paragraphs.